
Unusual activity on your IT network?

We monitor your infrastructure via managed Honeypot.

Make Cyberattacks run into the void. Preventive and efficient.

Increasing digitization is creating more and more gateways for attackers. Stop these threats before they reach your data and employees. Our Managed Honeypot Service Combsec detects sophisticated threats: We detect attacks and unusual activity early on, alert you to active attacks, and locate the source on your network. We help you avoid lengthy analyses and waste no time in reacting directly.

Our specialists analyze remotely. Around the clock.

By employing Combsec Honeypot technology, you can effectively detect active attacks on your security infrastructure – without the need for your own team of highly specialized IT security experts. Unlike firewalls, for example, honeypots are not designed to deal with a specific problem. Our team can therefore get a picture of your individual threat situation at any time, identify threats at an early stage and respond to them immediately.

We react to the unusual. Immediately and deliberately.

Typically, companies focus their IT security efforts on the perimeter to prevent outsiders from penetrating their infrastructure. Attackers who have made it behind the firewall however, can cause great damage unnoticed. With Combsec you can detect them quickly and react effectively right away. You receive an immediately alarm in the event of an acute threat to the security of your IT network and can take immediate action.

How the honeypot functions:

We detect attacks on your company. And offer fitting solutions.

With the collected data, your IT security measures can be prioritized and implemented in a targeted manner. Combsec® gives you a concrete overview over your active threat situation. However, it records only activities that directly target the honeypot. That’s why we don’t just rely on these results for our analysis. We also provide you with technological and organizational advice on increasing your IT security level, e.g. on the basis of ISO/IEC 27001.

You are interested and wish for a personal consultation?

(Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 17:00)